2005-10 Cummins Truck HE551V Turbo 5352715

2005-10   Cummins Truck HE551V Turbo 5352715
Item# turbo-truck-cummins-TC-5352715
Availability: Usually ships the next business day

Product Description

Part Number5352715
Previous versions2842412, 2843888, 3768264, 4036666, 4041090, 4043215, 4045753
OEM Part Number4089551
Manufacturer Part Number2843889, 3768268, 4035678, 4036666, 4043215, 4043226, 4045753
Turbo ModelHE500VG, HE551V, HE551V-D108N66RAH/C86H87SE31G
CHRA4034043 (4034043RX) $849.00
Engine ISX Enforcer, Enforcer MFS, ISX 044
Engine ManufacturerCummins
Angle α (compressor housing)290
Angle β (turbine housing)140
Nozzle Ring (1154055990) $380.00 NEW IN STOCK
Nozzle Ring Plate(1154055981) $150.00 NEW IN STOCK
Repair Kit4032255 (4032255H)(1154055750) $138.70 NEW IN STOCK
Actuator Kit4034013
Turbine Housing AR VGT


2005-10 Cummins Truck with ISX Enforcer, MFS4 Engine

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Core Charge

There is a $600.00 core charge which has been included in the price, it means if you DO NOT have or will not send us the original part, we will not refund the core charge. You will be charged at the time of purchase, and will be fully refunded once your old re-build able core is received.


This part comes with ONE YEAR unlimited mileage warranty.